How ArtConnect is creating a safer environment for artists

Berlin, 08.11.2022

Dear community,

Artists need places to show their work, residencies where they can live and create without having to worry about daily finances—grants and awards that will allow them to continue practicing as full-time artists, and so forth.

That's why ArtConnect exists, to provide artists with the tools and resources that make being an artist possible.

At ArtConnect, we're continually working to make our platform safer for artists. Everyone knows that the art world is very opaque, and not all opportunities are created equal—sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish a good opportunity from a bad one.

So today I want to talk about some of our initiatives, the ones that are already implemented and the new ones we're hoping to bring into effect soon.

Already implemented measures

Pre-screening every art organization that joins ArtConnect:

We carefully review every organization applying to join ArtConnect so that we can maintain our standards for membership, such as a prohibition on illegal content and hate speech.

Allow artists to take action when they encounter abuse and inappropriate behavior:

We've created a system where artists can report abuse or inappropriate behavior by other members of the community. The reporting process is simple: you'll find a Report button in every post and profile. We respond quickly to reports, taking necessary action whenever appropriate.

Verified members:

Verified organizations are those that have been shown to be trustworthy and ethical. Typically, verified art organizations are well-established with a track record of positive feedback from the artist community or longevity in operations—all factors that contribute heavily toward earning this designation. You can easily spot them by looking for a blue check mark next to their names.


Note: If you are an art organization and would like to be considered for a verification badge, please follow this link.

Coming into effect soon

Better Ranking:

We are working on a new ranking system based on factors such as post and content quality, awards, fees, and application requirements—as well as other relevant data. This helps artists distinguish the serious from the frivolous, giving better organizations a boost in visibility.

ArtConnect’s Quality score:

We will soon be showing a score on all our listings. This score will help artists evaluate the opportunities available on our site more effectively.

User reviews & ratings:

Soon artists will be able to review their experiences with art organizations, so that other artists understand what to expect when applying for opportunities.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

We will make adding photos to residency open calls mandatory. We believe that photographs are an important step in increasing the confidence of artists about residencies—especially when they involve traveling abroad and sleeping in unknown spaces.

Allow artists to message organizations:

We want to make it easier for artists to directly ask questions of art organizations—so that there is more reassurance and trust built up before having to commit time and often money to anything.


The success of the art community depends on the existence of welcoming, honest organizations and spaces. ArtConnect strives to provide a safe platform for artists, and we're proud of the work we've done in this area. But our mission is far from complete—there's still so much more we can do!

Thanks for taking the time to read this note. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of these ideas, please reach out!


Pablo Kunert

Chief Executive Officer