Goodbye Likes…
Berlin, 01.04.2021
Today, after hundreds of thousands of ‘likes’ on over two hundred thousand artworks, we are saying goodbye to the ‘like feature’ on ArtConnect.
Credits: Prateek Katyal
Dear community,
Today we have a big announcement to make, after hundreds of thousands of ‘likes’ on over two hundred thousand artworks, we are saying goodbye to the ‘like feature’ on ArtConnect.
Considering the overwhelming scientific evidence of the negative effects ‘likes’ have on mental health, we have decided it’s time to pull the plug. The culture of instant gratification that’s being fostered on the big social networks simply doesn't line up with our values at ArtConnect.
As our community grows, we want to ensure we don’t contribute to the anxiety and stress that we know many artists feel. We cherish the creativity and talent we see on our platform every day and believe the best way to nurture that is by discontinuing ‘likes’.
We believe that art shouldn’t be judged based on an oversimplified reward system because art has the power to create multilayered emotions that can’t be summarized in virtual hearts. ArtConnect is a space where the art is in focus. Our aim is to create long-lasting and sustainable efforts that help our community of artists, curators, collectors, and art lovers connect with each other and with artworks that truly inspire them.
We are committed to making ArtConnect a place that is inclusive and non-harming for our community and are happy to now say goodbye to likes forever. Instead, we'll show our love, appreciation, and admiration for all kinds of artworks and the people who create them in new exciting ways.
Chief Executive Officer
Discover Contemporary Art
ArtConnect is the leading destination to discover emerging contemporary artists worldwide.
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