Gordon Schirmer
Gordon Schirmer is an artist based in Berlin, Germany
Gordon Schirmer is one of ArtConnect’s Artists to Watch '22
As a trained photographer Gordon has been working on personal series since 2013 in which the human body is the most important. The endless inspiration within its shapes, lines, natural and unretouched beauty holds a never ending treasure to create his works.
“Gordon's work invites us to explore the body as landscape, territory and space, from an abstract perspective, which leads us to reflect on the infinite possibilities in the human body.”
ArtConnect asked the winning artists to share with us a glimpse into their creative life to get a sense of their personal inspiration and artistic process.
How did you get started as an artist?
I started in 2010 after an apprenticeship with photographer Florian Seidel. Shortly after I started on my personal project 'Rückensichten' in which I focused on the human trunk. From there I worked in a lot of commercial jobs, but always had my focus on the personal projects in which the human body is central.
How would you describe your artistic approach?
I am very much inspired by the human body and always looking for lines, angles and shapes in the people that I see around me. From there it is important to me that I connect with the models I work with so they are aware about the concept I pursue and that they feel safe.
Gordon working on a project
And how about what inspires you?
I am very much inspired by how the body moves and the way light shapes the contours and the specifics of the skin. For me it is magical that the same piece of the human body can transform so much from a different angle or light and therefor is able to depict something like a landscape.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an artist?
Because my work is very intimate, it takes some extra commitment to building trust with the people I work with. This is totally understandable and necesary to build a bond of trust both ways. Therefor my personal projects take some extra time to realise.
Gordon’s studio
Describe a typical day in the studio/wherever you make your work.
Typical would be scouting someone on the streets or online, connect with them and then invite them over for a talk. On other days I invite people over and we do a shoot. Towards the evening it is time to work on some photographs on the laptop.
Is there a medium, a process, or a technique that you haven't used in your work yet but would like to try out?
I would to work with video more or try the large format camera. I think it would be a great addition to my work progress.
What are you currently working on? Or an upcoming project you want to mention?
Currently I am working on a series that is called 'Body II' where the human body is shown in details and therefor it transforms into what looks like a landscape.
How does it feel to be selected as an ArtConnect Artist to Watch?
Very honoured to be part of the selection. I always follow the newsletter and therefor very happy to be showing my work beside all these other great artists.
See more of Gordon’s work

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