Kenneth Lambert
Kenneth Lambert is an artists based in Sydney, Australia
Kenneth Lambert is one of ArtConnect’s Artists to Watch '22
Kenneth Lambert’s experimental practice embraces disintegrated matter and the inexorable expressions that reflect the human condition. Lambert’s conceptual approach captures the contemporary zeitgeist by transposing themes found in science to illuminate current social issues and rising anxieties of our time. At the intersection of technology and the humanities, the artist’s investigations have led to works that utilise particle acceleration to relate to climate change and data translation technology to investigate digital autonomy. Lambert’s cross-disciplinary practice encompasses digital, film, expanded painting and installation.
Lambert draws on a diverse range of skills to thread through his artistic practice with a professional background that encompasses museum and exhibition design and filmmaking. Since 2016 he has regularly exhibited in solo and group shows and is currently completing a residency with Amnesty International Australia.
“Kenneth transports us to different deconstructed realities through technological and audiovisual use, detonating artworks that catch us and allow us a wide contemplation.”
ArtConnect asked the winning artists to share with us a glimpse into their creative life to get a sense of their personal inspiration and artistic process.
How did you get started as an artist?
I can't remember a time when art was not part of my life. I was always drawing and painting as a child. At university I was drawn to museum design, developing concepts and experiences to engage with larger audiences. We started using a lot of film and video which naturally led to my interest in digital media, its creation and presentation. After two decades of creating for others, I decided to create a path of self-determination and so in 2016, I had my first solo show exploring the ways technology could convey the human condition.
How would you describe your artistic approach?
My approach is to first establish a critical engagement. From there I develop the conceptual framework for the project or body of work and then develop its execution which often involves a process of experimentation. I need there to be both conceptual rigour and an openness to explore, so the outcome may not to be completely defined. It is fluid but with clear intent.
Kenneth working on a project in Finland
And how about what inspires you?
The natural world and humanity in all its forms is an endless source of inspiration for me. I consume a lot of documentaries and podcasts, I love technical reference books and well-crafted stories.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an artist?
I started late in comparison to many others, but I have a lot of real-world experience that feeds into my practice. Creating a network of like-minded people is difficult. There are not many people in Australia doing what I do, so the answer is to look further. I have lived and travelled to many parts of the world and it helps create a perspective, now you don't have to be limited by borders or geography.
Kenneth’s studio
Describe a typical day in the studio/wherever you make your work.
There is no typical day. It depends on what is coming up, what is in play and so on. Every day is unique, that is why I love it. If it was typical I would be bored
Is there a medium, a process, or a technique that you haven't used in your work yet but would like to try out?
Knitting and weaving.
What are you currently working on? Or an upcoming project you want to mention?
I am developing 'Stasis' a series of data portraits of refugees and their stories. It's an intersection of filmmaking, AI and many integrated digital processes. You can discover more on my site.
How does it feel to be selected as an ArtConnect Artist to Watch?
It feels great to be selected, it's obviously affirming when others see value in what you do. It inspires you to keep going and to keep pushing yourself to refine and develop your practice.
Anything else you want to add?
Thank you for the opportunity, appreciate the time and energy you have put into making ArtConnect a platform that showcases artistic talent.
See more of Kenneth’s work

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