Michelle Gallagher
Michelle is an artist originally from Ireland, living Duisburg-Rahm, Germany.
Michelle Gallagher’s art practice is firmly rooted in the processes of making. The materials she uses dictate and guide her work directly as ideas for pieces are envisioned in different materials. She loves the challenge and the variety of exploration through materials.
Michelle is interested in the representation of women and the feminine. Inspiration comes from observations in her own life and the lives of the women in her family and society at large.
“In Michelle Gallagher’s ceramic sculptures, everyday domestic objects are melded with notions of femininity to form surreal hybrids. Whether a rolling pin covered in flowers that extends literal “helping hands”, or an iron with a pair of outstretched legs -- the functionality of these objects is subverted, as they appear to take on a life of their own. Familiar devices are made strange, and at times even slightly threatening. Gallagher’s handling of the ceramic medium, meanwhile, gives expression to materiality that is at turns plushy, textured, or even moist. While playful, Gallagher’s sculptures confront us through the often unseen -- faceless -- bodies that perform domestic labor.”
ArtConnect asked the winning artists to share with us a glimpse into their creative life to get a sense of their personal inspiration and artistic process.
What are some of the central themes you pursue in your work?
At this time, I am particularly interested in female topics, especially the working woman/mother [and] the life work balance. I try and convey ideas about women’s invisible labor / female drudgery through double meanings and humor.
Contemporary Goddess by Michelle Gallagher
“Michelle Gallagher’s ceramic sculptures parody the everyday domestic chores and unseen labor done by women at home involved in managing a household and family. There's an underlying sadness behind her humorous and beautiful figurative sculptures. “Contemporary goddess” will make you question in what century will women finally get gender equality, equal pay and value.”
How has your art practice developed over time?
I originally studied sculpture, because I loved the flexibility and variety. I move between drawing, printing and clay...I enjoy experimenting within my practice and pushing my skills.
Michelle’s Workspace
What drew you to work with your medium/media of choice?
The tactile nature of clay...it has a mind of its own and is not afraid to have opinions...it feels alive...it’s a partnership and I need to listen.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an artist?
I have moved countries many times...gaining an art community has been challenging. Thanks to technology that has improved.
Michelle Gallagher at work in her studio
What does your creative process look like?
Sketching in 2D & 3D to work out ideas...thinking..reading, researching..challenging myself to go with the idea...trusting myself and listening to the work, keeping a critical eye and honing my skills..practicing and pushing myself daily..even if it’s only writing down thoughts and ideas..and making a quick sketch. It’s a practice that makes a process.
What are you currently working on or what's next?
The fragile female myth!! I am playing with language and phrases within my practice.
Anything else you want to add?
I would love to see more balance between the genders within the art world, and beyond. Women of a certain age, artist mothers are often overlooked. There is a huge pool of talent and creativity that is unfortunately under the art world radar.
See more of Michelle Gallagher’s work

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