Top Artist Residencies in Rome
Rome is a city with a rich cultural history, which means it's also an ideal place for artists to reside. Whether you're exploring new themes in your art or looking to study the masterworks of art history, there are a variety of artist residencies in Rome that could help you on your artistic path. We’ve put together this guide to the top artist residencies in Rome to help you find your perfect program.
Villa Medici | Various Residency Programs
Villa Medici, or the French Academy in Rome welcomes artists, authors and researchers from all disciplines throughout the year to create, experiment or research for a specific project for up to six months. They offer various thematic or partnership residency programmes to French-speaking artists, taking place in their stunning 16th century villa surrounded by a seventeen-acre park.
Rewards: Varies per program, for example their Medici Residency offers €1,500 per month + accommodation
Rome Art Residencies | Artist in Residence Scholarship
Rome Art Residencies holds fine arts workshops and runs a residency program in the heart of Rome. Their residency program offers insider insight into the Rome art world and art history, with museum visits organized alongside dedicated studio time. Their Artist in Residence Scholarship offers the opportunity to experience their program without fees.
Rewards: Accommodation, studio, workshop and more
Image: Rome Art Residencies
American Academy in Rome | Rome Prize Fellowships for US Citizens
For over a century, the American Academy in Rome has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Each year, about thirty artists and scholars receive the Rome Prize and are given the opportunity to enter into the vibrant and active community at the academy.
Rewards: Up to $30,000, accommodation, workspace + meals
Take your art career to new heights
Thrive as an independent artist with unique opportunities from leading institutions around the world. Save time, and focus on your art.
Temple University Rome | Visiting Printmaking Residency Program
The Temple University Rome Visiting Artist Residency program provides a focused environment for artists to practice printmaking and work in the university’s dedicated facilities for one month. Through this program, both the visiting artist and the creative community at the university mutually benefit from interaction and exchange.
Rewards: Full access to university’s printmaking facilities for one month + support
Image: Temple University Rome
British School at Rome | Residency Awards
Every year the British School at Rome offers outstanding scholars and artists the opportunity to join its community and work in Rome for 3 to 12 months. Their residency program enables cross-disciplinary exchange, with artists from fields of visual arts, architecture, archaeology, history and modern Italian studies coming together.
Rewards: Accommodation and full board (except dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday)
Kulturstiftung der Länder | German Academy of Rome, Villa Massimo - Rome Prize
The German Academy of Rome offers highly talented artists the opportunity to further their artistic development through an extended study stay and become integrated into the cultural life of Rome and Italy. Their programs are open to German citizens and residents who have already received some recognition for their art, with significant funding to cover their stay.
Rewards: €2,500 per month, accommodation, school fees covered for children of artists + exhibition opportunities
Image: German Academy of Rome
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