Yongwon Noh
Yongwon Noh is an artist based in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Yongwon Noh is one of ArtConnect’s Artists to Watch '21
Yongwon designs new context and value by reviewing the cultures and twisting the conventions. He is a concept designer, aesthetic explorer, and object maker.
“How can we deal with tradition? how do we take advantage of what we have now? Yongwon Noh displays a compelling conversation between our culture, how it has changed and what we now value as important. For example, in 'Contemporary Monument', the juxtaposition between symbolism and monuments is a celebration of tradition and exploration of loss when faced with the changes in modern society. These works may have a critical attitude to the rapid growth and chaotic modernization of Korea, however, you can't help be drawn and appreciate their aesthetic nature.”
ArtConnect asked the winning artists to share with us a glimpse into their creative life to get a sense of their personal inspiration and artistic process.
How did you get started as an artist?
I enjoy fusing two different ideas, seeking new aesthetics and relating with the real world. That boosted me to engage in art field..
How would you describe your artistic approach?
Sometimes, I try to catch humor, relation in between what I'm interested in, and investigate how to extract the essence and realize. Or I purely concentrate on the aesthetics of classic and reformulate in contemporary way.
Yongwon Noh’s studio
And how about what inspires you?
All circumstance that arounds me.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an artist?
Money money money.
Yongwon Noh working at his studio
Describe a typical day in the studio/wherever you make your work.
I go to studio, get a coffee, open the laptop or sketchbook. Everyday is different but theses days I usually do idea sketch for new design, with a bit of small talk with my studiomates.
Is there a medium, a process, or a technique that you haven't used in your work yet but would like to try out?
I'm familiar with metalwork. But it has been a size that I can handle by myself. I want to work with a thick and big scale of metal even more than a human scale for an installation.
What are you currently working on? Or an upcoming project you want to mention?
I'm working on a light project. Developing a new way to enjoy light.
How does it feel to be selected as an ArtConnect Artist to Watch?
I've been a bit let up these days, but this selection boosts me up to do work hard again. Thanks for selecting my work.
See more of Claudia’s work

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