Annabel Ruddle
Annabel Ruddle is in an artist based in New York City, US
Annabel Ruddle is one of ArtConnect’s Artists to Watch '22
Annabel Ruddle creates ‘living landscapes.’ Transparent to feel alive, light illuminates through them. Taking the paper out of the photograph, they meld with the environment, color, and light around them to evoke a feeling that they are really before you, holding still, so you the viewer can take it all in.
“Annabel Ruddle composes living landscapes applying new materialities in photography where the image coexists with bioplastics and waste. Postnatural images in which human action coexists with the symbolic construction of the landscape.
The relevance of gesture in her work is very significant, giving volume and form to her pieces, small landscapes where human manipulation, pinching and bending the material make the representation of the landscape hybridize with the body.”
ArtConnect asked the winning artists to share with us a glimpse into their creative life to get a sense of their personal inspiration and artistic process.
How did you get started as an artist?
At age 3 I started taking painting and sculpture classes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Crafting paper sculptures during recess in kindergarten. Going to museums and gallery shows on weekends. Devoting myself to my art portfolio at Walnut Hill, an arts boarding high school, spending half my days and full weekends in the studio. At Rhode Island School of Design I immersed myself in film, photography, and installation exhibiting works in galleries and museums across the world. After graduation my short film ran in the festival circuit and won awards. In Williamsburg New York City I split my time between designing digital products and and my art.
How would you describe your artistic approach?
My approach is 1/2 process and 1/2 conceptual. I visualize ideas first, then brainstorm on paper, then start experimenting and creating, adapting to the materials. It's like a non verbal dialogue between my body, mind, and the material. It's like thinking by doing and can be quite labor intensive.
Annabel Ruddle working on a project
And how about what inspires you?
I'm inspired by many things: the natural environment and it's healing power, furniture design, architecture, film, immersive virtual environments, and so much more.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an artist?
Selling my art or setting the monetary value of my work. I find it especially hard to sell pieces to friends because in art school we were all poor artists and even though many of them have great jobs now and make a considerable amount and want to buy, I still feel like I should give the pieces to them or do a trade. So I'm working on changing that mindset.
Annabel Ruddle’s studio
Describe a typical day in the studio/wherever you make your work.
2019 I had an art studio in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Now my art studio is in my giant 1-bedroom in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I found I get more work done and can act on those flashes of inspiration if my studio is at home. It's a 4 part process. First I organize and conduct a photoshoot. Second I make selections, edit and resize them. I print them out on my large format plotter. Thirdly I soak them in mineral oil and cook up a batch of bioplastic. I use a cement mixer attachment to get a good consistency. Fourth I coat the photos in a layer of bioplastic and then mold, pin, push, drape, stretch them into shapes. They dry for a day and then I demold them. The material reacts and changes shape slightly- it's incredibly exciting to come back to the finished dry works.
Is there a medium, a process, or a technique that you haven't used in your work yet but would like to try out?
I'm currently researching flexible bioplastic materials and am brainstorming making no sew shirts. I want to start 3-D printing molds and creating my own printer substrate out of bioplastic. I joined a makerspace to start experimenting.
What are you currently working on? Or an upcoming project you want to mention?
I am currently working on huge wall-sized works inspired by boulders and waterfalls, a lighting series, and organic looking shelving.
How does it feel to be selected as an ArtConnect Artist to Watch?
It feels wonderful and exciting!
Anything else you want to add?
I have lots of photos of work in process without me in the photo. Just ask!
See more of Annabel Ruddle’s work